Used in a sentence: I would typically be WAP on Thanksgiving morning, but the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade was obviously cancelled due to COVID. Used in a sentence: I’m covered in mud because I was WAP out on the farm.

Used in a sentence: In my spare time, I like WAP-there’s a video of young pandas playing on a slide that I especially enjoy. Used in a sentence: William Shakespeare is the poster child for WAP. Used in a sentence: If you are craving breakfast in the middle of the night, I suggest a trip to IHOP for WAP. Used in a sentence: During blizzards, it is recommended that one be WAP if they must leave their home. Used in a sentence: When I see a business mascot WAP on the side of the road, it makes my day. Used in a sentence: This is a house that loves to indulge in snacks and sweets, WAP and we have no shame. Used in a sentence: Forrest Gump was amazing with a ball and paddle, he was totally WAP. Used in a sentence: I’m craving Italian food, I could really go for some WAP and a glass of wine. Used in a sentence: Yes, I have extended conversations and yelling contests with my cat on a regular basis-I’m WAP. Used in a sentence: The weather report is calling for WAP today. Used in a sentence: The movie “Happy Feet” features WAP who also learn to dance. Used in a sentence: Ash Ketchum’s Pikachu is the mascot for the unofficial WAP club. Used in a sentence: Once Thanksgiving passes, we will enter the season of WAP. Used in a sentence: Fall is the season of WAP. Used in a sentence: WAP for Supernatural to be over. Used in a sentence: It’s so hard to pick between Sam and Dean, all I can say is WAP. Winchesters Are Pretty (for the Supernatural fans) Used in a sentence: WAP for a better year during 2021.

Used in a sentence : We went to Five Guys for french fries, my inner fat child was thrilled when WAP. Here are 25 alternative definitions for “ WAP”, complete with how to use each in a sentence. In addition to this, parents began coming forward with answers to provide in the event that their child asked the dreaded question: “What does WAP mean?” When Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s “ WAP” was first released, it was followed by a hilarious collection of videos people had made featuring the horrified reactions from their parents.